
[News] Changsha Customs Issued Ten Measures to Enhance Import in Hunan



In 2014, there was an imbalanced development between import and export in Hunan. The export amounts to 123.04 billion RMB, increased by 33.9% while the import amounts to 67.65 billion RMB, increased by 5.4%; trade surplus amounts to 55.39 billion RMB. To promote stable and balanced development between import and export in Hunan, yesterday, Changsha Customs officially issued ten measures to further support the import of technology enhancing, production, and service at press conference. As a rising export and import industry at the middle area of Hunan, Trade Center (Hunan) of exported and imported product exhibition will promote the development of Hunan export and import industry after official operation this year, especially in the development of import industry.

Ten measures are as follow.

First, state preferential tax policy should be conducted. Policy advocacy, training, and instruction should be promoted to help import enterprises in Hunan make the most of state preferential tax policy. By promoting united guarantee system of revenue and integration of guarantee at customs district, import tax reliefs is encouraged and supported in the field of expanding advanced technology, complete equipment, and key components.

Second, clearance efficiency should be improved. In order to promote innovation of our regulatory system at Shanghai Free Trade Zone, the revolution of customs supervision should be promoted, including paperless clearance, customs system integration, and customs inspection cooperation. 24-hour appointment customs passage system will be carried on. Green light will be given to import fresh perishable commodity such as aquatic product, fruit, red meat, etc. In addition to this, other conveniences will be implemented such as DJAI, appointment customs passage, urgent clearance, etc. Moreover, customs inspection will be further advanced by fulfilling triage inspections to lower risk of import product.

Third, the customs control should be optimized. Import declaration and attached documents should be simplified. For eligible import enterprises, attachments can be sent after filling. Imported commodity should go through classification, price-verification, and assessment of the original in advance, in order to offer fronted service by meeting the possible issues during the customs clearance.

Fourth, construction and development of export and import should be strongly supported.  Special supervision of the Customs should be supported, and so should expansion of commodity import of bonded areas under supervision. Enterprises should import products of strategy and resource by bonded warehouse. Under the guidance of local government, purchasing center, distribution center, and delivery center should be encouraged to be built at the area of special supervision of the Customs. Also, construction and operation of assigned port Chenglingji for full vehicle, meat, food import should be promoted; expansion of solid waste import via direct sailing should be promoted; more import categories  and strict solid waste supervision should be promoted. With the assistance of  electronic port platform, more cooperation and coordination should be constructed so as to speed up the establishment of single window of international trade, to promote information exchange, mutual recognition and mutual regulation among administrative departments.

Fifth, more attention is paid to processing trade transition and upgrading. For extended industry chain and added value of products, bonded business (such as outward processing, consigned processing, and deep processing, etc.) of Hunan trade processing enterprises should be positively regulated, instructed and supported. By taking advantage of policy and function superiority at special supervision areas of Hunan Customs, more trade processing enterprises are attracted for development so as to expand the import of Hunan trade processing approaches. By fully complementing taxation on sale in domestic market for trade processing, further convenience is provided to Hunan trade processing enterprises.

Sixth, new-type import mode of trade should be strongly promoted. By analyzing the management mode of the customs (service trade featured), the import of knowledge and technology intensively productive service (such as inquiry, research and development, energy conservation and environment protection, etc.) should be promoted, so should the import of tourism. Cross-border trade e-commerce will be underlined on import business. With innovation of customs inspection mode, conference and exhibition like Hunan Minerals and Jewels Exhibition should be developed.

Seventh, early warning mechanism of import monitoring should be complemented. By perfecting the operating mechanism of dynamic analysis, the influence on Hunan industry of the changing international economic development and exceptional condition of import should be analyzed and monitored.

Eighth, service mode of customs should be innovated and optimized. By making the most of multimedia of customs service( service hotline 12350, web portals, online visit, government affairs micro blog, etc), integrated service will be offered timely, such as inquiry of policy, operational guidance, emergent customs clearance, and complaints reporting, etc. By complementing the system of enterprise coordination and signing Enterprises Cooperation Memos, better service can be offered. Under the implementation of jointly cooperation on helping key industry, enterprises, project system in Hunan, issues and possible concerned difficulties should be solved initially.

Ninth, enterprise credit management should be into effect in the Customs. Enterprise credit system should be strengthened under the guidance of how to level up Customs enterprise credit degree. For promotion of inconvenient customs passage, more enterprises should be grown to advanced authorized enterprises by customs which can be treated with less manual supervision. Meanwhile, mutual recognition of AEO should be encouraged and instructed.

Last, more efforts should be made to maintain import trade order as well as to strictly strike smuggling product import.